yersofullofcrap wrote in spn_treehouse Nov 13, 2010 22:40
i messed up, brb saving the world, good times, i need a hero, brb dead, brb freaking out, history repeats itself, omg wtf is this, omg, brb crying forever, help plz, fuck tags, fuck yeah, or else, fuck this - tag it yourself, goodbye world, bamfness, read all about it, oh hells yeah, so confused rn, information is your friend, screw all of you, oops, brb hunting, hysteria has taken over, screw it, fun for the whole family, stuff, seven hundred tags later, omgwtfbbg, shit what now?, goodbye, fucking hunters, omg what's going on, i don't even, fixing shit, should have been a hufflepuff, hysteria, glorious, brb huntin, i can't believe this shit, help a bitch out, i have proof, i don't even know, powers don't make you evil evil things d, so so so so sorry, road trip, i know i know, i'm sorry, holy shit, hunt diary, fuck this, seriously?, pwnage, omgomgomg, help, fuck my life, brb tagging, bamf
bill_harvelle wrote in spn_treehouse Oct 12, 2010 10:54
24/7 bamfness, brb trip, brb taking a vacation, k-kkinda busy, bill is a bamf, brb tagging, brb hunting
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Sep 20, 2010 22:55
jess is a bamf, jess is a awesome wife, hunt diary, sam has a problem, brb hunting, sam, sam + jess = forever, jess is beautiful, deal with it uriel
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Sep 12, 2010 14:30
, sam is an empty shell, sam is an emo panda, finding ones self, i love you jess, brb hunting
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Aug 30, 2010 21:41
dean is a great brother, sam is a girl, jess is a awesome wife, hunt diary, legit bamfness, brb hunting, sam is a bamf, sam + jess = forever, lilith is fucking hot, sam is a good husband, lilith is a bamf
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Aug 29, 2010 22:11
dean is a great brother, winchesters are bamfs, road trip, dean is a bamf, hunt diary, brb hunting, sam is a bamf, sam and dean are fucking bamfs, sam is a working man, sam is an awesome brother, impala ftw, dean is awesome
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Aug 28, 2010 09:57
dean is a great brother, sam get's a job, dean is a bamf, sam has a problem, brb hunting, sam is a bamf, sam is a working man, ghosts are gonna get it, deal with it uriel, sam and dean are awesome
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Aug 12, 2010 14:53
sam is an empty shell, jess is beautiful, sam is an emo panda, brb hunting